Glimpses of My July

All winter long we dream about those summer days that creep into late nights. As lunches are packed and the monotony of school mornings wanes into spring, we long for the sun, for sleeping in, for camping, for time on the water, for time in the water, for no routine. Summer provides that. Never short on light and always unpredictable on weather, it's the time we crave. 

This July held more of summer than it's thirty-one days gave us. It was full, and we felt like overstuffed patrons of Thanksgiving dinner. Rosy-cheeked, with strap lines crisscrossing our backs, we smiled at the prospect of one of the best ones, yet. We found the sweet smell of summer penetrated our skin. They should market that. 

Our July had Kodiak West Side Stories trips; Pasagshak overnights; successful fishing trips; visits from the tooth fairy; mastery of bike riding; rainy days, sunny days and days somewhere in between; late nights and warm fires. It wasn't much, yet it was everything. 

Follow along our monthly glimpses, next is Kristi Burton