June: 10-on-10

The past couple of days have been ridiculously gorgeous. This means lots of outside time- lots as in all day & all night. We don't get any kind of regular weather here, so when it's good, it's really, really good. It's also hard to end the day, so one recent evening, Ella & I headed out to enjoy some 10:00pm sunshine. As a result, I'm breaking the rules a bit with this 10-on-10. One of Ella's new talents is signing bird; which also results in some very sweet expressions (picture number 3- that's one of her many bird faces). She puts that thumb & pointer finger together to sign bird, puckers her lips up like a little beak & (I'm pretty sure) wants to kiss any bird she can find. She's also been saying 'ch' for chicken. Much to her dismay, she's yet to actually kiss a chicken.

Keep the circle going, with Jill's blog- her girls just graduated, a big congratulations to them!