Brian & Shanna

Spending a few days with your closest friend, from your earliest days, with all your children is something you dream about. That is exactly how our California vacation concluded. All five kids together for a few short days, playing together like they've always known each other, despite the miles in-between. With bribery, and resistance, we managed to send my family out for a 30-minute walk, for Fiona's newborn session.

Brian and Shanna and family.

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Jason & Sarah's Family

It's a fine-balance with social media these days. It engulfs in so many ways, as long as a phone or computer are part of our daily routine. Just as it feels all-encompassing, it also serves its purpose. A few years ago, I met Sarah through Instagram. She's a talented birth & family photographer in Fairbanks. A few weeks ago, I got to meet her in-person. It was wonderful spending the afternoon with her and her family, in-between hockey tournament games. Their warm, cozy home opened its arms to me, filled to the brim with childhood- the curiosity, the creative, the chaos, the calm. I left content, knowing that social media made this real-life connection happen. I also left with a pan of delicious chocolate brownies, allergy-friendly, something else we share and also discovered from social media.

Sarah and family.

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