Saturday Morning, 1/52

Saturday. nthe seventh day of the week; before Sunday.

Morning. n 1. The first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon. 2. The dawn. 3. The first or early part; the beginning: the morning of a new nation.

This year, alongside an incredible group of photographers, we are documenting our Saturday mornings. Follow along here. Ducks - Saturday 10:09am

The Last Two Weeks of June

June 16. If she excitedly clinched her fists & shouted yes, I'm pretty sure this is what it'd look like. June 17. His last day of three.

June 18. Happy 4th Birthday, Batman.

June 19. This is what 11:55pm in Alaska looks like.

June 20. Part of the peek-a-boo process.

June 21. Her new favorite seat.

June 22. Mustaches for life.

June 23. Peace.

June 24. One of my superheroes.

June 25. Watching her boys.

June 26. A tiny pocket of morning light.

June. 27. Someone got legos for his birthday, & it wasn't this someone.

June 28. Goodnight, bright light.

June 29. A weekend in Anchorage, pretty sure this face sums up her feelings about it.

June 30. The big jump is about to happen.

A Walk to the Store, with the Fords

'Where we love is home,home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.'

Some good friends came home for a visit recently, bringing with them some Hawaiian sun, lots of smiles & a renewed appreciation for this island we call home. I was fortunate to spend an evening with them, walking to the 'Little Store,' & enjoying the adventures along the way. It was refreshing to be outside, breathing in the beautiful summer air, & watching the interactions between Monica & her sweet kids. There was lots of talking, lots of laughing, a few tears shed, but best of all, it was them.